Question : "What is the numbers on your blog?" example : N5°08.286' E102°48.663'
Answer : This is GPS Coordinates.
They are many types of GPS devices in our local market. The common 2 types are : Road navigation and outdoor activities. Range from MYR350.00 to MYR2,500.00. The popular brand in Malaysia and even international is Garmin. And the popular models available locally are : Nuvi200 series, NUvi300 series, NUvi600 series, GPS60 CSX, eTrex Vista HCX and eTrex series. All models are suitable to different application.
All the above mention devices are built-in the "Auto-routing" function that navigate you from one place to another. The devices will prompt or alert you in voice for the next turn and even some proximity alert, if you miss the 'turn' prompt from the device, please don't get panic....because it will recalculate another alternative route immediately.
Question : "What is the monthly charges?"
Answer : There is no monthly charges for it. Only the equipment cost.
Question : "Where can we get Malaysia and Singapore GPS map?"
Answer : MalSingMaps (It's FREE!!! The map also built-in with many and many useful POI)
Question : "What is POI?"
Answer : Places Of Interest
Once you get you GPS device, you can log-in to Malsingmaps and start to learn the step-by-step uploading map to the device. 2 versions available : Locked & Unlocked.
Locked : You need to contribute to the community to receive you unlocked code for the latest update map.
Unlocked : You can load to any device with this detail map, updated June 2007.
Another alternative is using PDA (Personal Digital Asistant) for GPS Road Navigation. (It's not suitable for outdoor activity because of it's not weatherproof)
Solution :
If you already a PDA owner, you can just buy another GPS Receiver (Bluetooth or CF type) to make it become your navigation guide.
Step-by-step configuration is available at Malsingmaps.
A little bit of me.......
I am using the second alternative.
I bought my GPS during 2003 because of I need to travel to Kuala Lumpur (from JB) twice a week. I wasted too much time on the road for searching my clients office therefore I decided to get myself a Navigation Angel!
During that time, I paid MYR650.00 for my Haicom 302 Compact Flash GPS Receiver and attach with my Dell Axim X5 PDA. I'm still suffering from map data because Malsingmaps hasn't born yet! So I paid another MYR450.00 for Agis MY & SG map. It's does not built-in the Auto-routing function in the map! But better than nothing.
Started from that day, I am a HAPPY GPS owner. It's really comfort while you drive to certain area that you never been before!
Until 2005, I found Malsingmaps! (previously was MySubaruclub) My nightmare on the road became history! And thanks to the Hardcore members from this forum make it become the most comprehensive Malaysia & Singapore GPS map today. (I call it Perfect!)
Recently, I just upgrade my PDA to Dell Axim X51V and pair with Wintec Bluetooth GPS (model : WBT-201/G-Rays II).
So I always advice my friends those who are traveler frequently , please get yourself the best traveling companion with the affordable price!
You will amazing with the navigation system! You won't travel without it!
* For more information about GPS, please visit Wiki : GPS.
I will update some pictures later.......
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