The Ghost Festival (中元節) is a traditional Chinese festival, which is celebrated by Chinese in many countries. In the Chinese calendar (a lunisolar calendar), the Ghost Festival is on the 15th night of the seventh lunar month.In Chinese tradition, the fifteenth day of the seventh month in the lunar calendar is called Ghost Day and the seventh month in general is regarded as the Ghost Month (鬼月), in which ghosts and spirits, including those of the deceased ancestors, come out from the lower realm. During the Qingming Festival the living descendants pay homage to their ancestors and on Ghost Day, the deceased visit the living.
For more info, please click here.There's no different at
Johor Bahru here, same as every state in Malaysia.
Within the month, you can see there are many stages & tents been setup. The stages are for the show and the tents are for the
ritualistic food and
burning incense.During night time, there'll be peoples in front of the stage watching the
show...:) Even though the Chinese traditional show and singing performance is for the
ghost but....haha! peoples love to watch it too! The show normally will live until midnight.
I did join one of the group during my
teenage on the 80's. My purpose are : 1) Earn extra income, 2) Gains experience & explore, 3) Getting to know more friends &
Fun!! Haha!
Most of the Chinese here will do praying in front of their house in day time or night time. There will be no Standard day within the whole month, everyone chose their own
lucky day! :)

The business man over here have their praying too! Because they believe it will bring better
luck & more business! Most them prepare in bigger scale (in everything) compare with those praying within houses.
They believe the more you burn...the more you will get in the coming year.....
Giant incense are everywhereDuring the
Seventh Ghost Month, many peoples also won't
renovate or
swifting anything in their house. They believe.....this will cause them
bad luck!I still remember, some seniors said.....babies and kids advise not to go out their house during night time....
There are many
traditions or
superstitious guide still exist today! Basically, they are more on restrictions.
Some said....if you take picture while it burns, sometimes you can see some 'shadows' .....hmm...can you see it? I see nothing.....Another
interesting situation that you be able to see it is....the
live bidding during the
Ghost Month dinner! Too bad that I don't have any photos to show.
They bid anything on the stage, all the
successful bidders only pay back on the following year. Yes, that's mean you can use it or finish the foods & drinks, but
pay it next year! The term is One Year.MY TRIPS - Home